Friday, November 23, 2012

Videos..??? :)

Hello to all you are cucrrently reading this and Happy belated Thanksgiving. :) I hope you all had a great time with family or whoever you spent this wonderful holiday with. So I have been thinking about maybe starting a video blog. Well what do tou think.....?? If I do finally decide to do this it will be a blog channel with manny oter things. I might do some fun Hair and/or make-up tutorials and I will also start giveaways. Now this is not completely set in stone yet but check back here soon for my final answer. Thank you all my loyal readers Your Fearless Blogger Dotty Cat :) <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bullying. Not cool.

So I got a request to do a blog post about bullying. Now I have never experienced being bullied before but I do see in my school halls and the sad part is I never do anything about it. But just because I dont do anything about it doesnt mean if you see it to just let it happen that is never the right thing to do. I know you may have yeard this a million times but go to a teacher, the principal, or an adult who you know you can trust and tell them, and if you want to ask them to keep your name a seceret. I know telling an adult doesnt seem like the best idea, but trust me it is. Also if you are a victim of bullying do not be afarid to speak up. I know it seems like a scary thing to think about but it is the best thing to do because if you dont you could eventually get hurt, in more way then one. Now I know I have not covered everything about bullying but thats because I will be doing a post about every day except maybe friday night and saturday. So this is it for now. Your Fearless Blogger -DOTTY CAT :) <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So it has come to my attention that I have not had alot of time to blog and I know I say that it will change but it never does. I have been trying really hard to think of some new topics but I come up blank everytime. I was running out of ideas, then I started thinking that I want to here what you have to say. Maybe there is a problem in your life that you need advice about or you just need a laugh. Well whatever it is, please send me your ideas. I would love to help in anyway that I can. You do not have to tell me your name or anything like that all I need is a topic or a problem and then I will help as best as I possibly can. So send me your ideas at
Your Fearless Blogger
-Dotty Cat

Monday, July 23, 2012


Hey all you blog followers I am starting to write some fan fiction. So if you want to follow it Dancer95 and I will let you know when I have posted my first story but after that I wont be able to tell you. So please follow me. I hope to hear all your comments good or bad.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh My lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

So we finally got lots of snow in Indiana. You don not know how happy this makes me. I love the snow. It is so fun to play in. When I got up this morning I was so hoping for a snow day being Friday the 13th my wish didnt come true but oh well school was still fun because it was really empty. Alot of people stayed home do to all the snow which I dont understand. Any way missing students meant missing teachers my Bio teacher wasnt here and the sub we had was amazing but some kids got away wiht lighting matches in class which was annoying because it stunk. Any way little reminder when going out in the snow this weekend be careful nobody needs to get hurt this weekend. You are all in my prayers and I hope everyone had a safe weekend. Have fun!!!!