Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bullying. Not cool.

So I got a request to do a blog post about bullying. Now I have never experienced being bullied before but I do see in my school halls and the sad part is I never do anything about it. But just because I dont do anything about it doesnt mean if you see it to just let it happen that is never the right thing to do. I know you may have yeard this a million times but go to a teacher, the principal, or an adult who you know you can trust and tell them, and if you want to ask them to keep your name a seceret. I know telling an adult doesnt seem like the best idea, but trust me it is. Also if you are a victim of bullying do not be afarid to speak up. I know it seems like a scary thing to think about but it is the best thing to do because if you dont you could eventually get hurt, in more way then one. Now I know I have not covered everything about bullying but thats because I will be doing a post about every day except maybe friday night and saturday. So this is it for now. Your Fearless Blogger -DOTTY CAT :) <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So it has come to my attention that I have not had alot of time to blog and I know I say that it will change but it never does. I have been trying really hard to think of some new topics but I come up blank everytime. I was running out of ideas, then I started thinking that I want to here what you have to say. Maybe there is a problem in your life that you need advice about or you just need a laugh. Well whatever it is, please send me your ideas. I would love to help in anyway that I can. You do not have to tell me your name or anything like that all I need is a topic or a problem and then I will help as best as I possibly can. So send me your ideas at
Your Fearless Blogger
-Dotty Cat

Monday, July 23, 2012


Hey all you blog followers I am starting to write some fan fiction. So if you want to follow it Dancer95 and I will let you know when I have posted my first story but after that I wont be able to tell you. So please follow me. I hope to hear all your comments good or bad.