Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Well this is just a random post for some odd reason. You see I am sittin here watchin Shane Dawson videos thinkin, WOW!!!!!!!!!! Shane Dawson's videos are really funny. No seriously they are for me they are something that brightens up my day when no one else can cuz lately I have been havin alot of those days unfortunately. I don't know why it's just uuummm...well long story short I like this guy I go to school with then I found out that he likes me from my friend then she says she likes him too then she tells me he dosen't like me. WTF!!!! It's just one of those thing that you deal with in high school. So my advice for the day is. If you like someone ask that person yourself if they like you too instead of having someone else do it for you. You may not get the answer you want instead of your friend going up and having them lie to you just so you'll be happy or they might lie and say that the person doesn't like you back so your friend can have them. Well thats all for today. BYE!!!!

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